Monday, June 13, 2011

True-ly too brief

About two years ago, right around this time, I was in Best Buy getting some new cds. (Side note: yes, I still buy actual cds.) I came across True Blood season 1 on DVD. Best Buy was having a sale and I had been hearing great things about the series. Let's face it, anything vampire was hot. So I got it and Neal & I started watching.

The first episode of season 1 is intense; I wasn't sure if I would like the series. But as any fan of the show knows, each episode ends with a climatic moment. Neal & I were hooked. These were the days of wedding planning, so True Blood was a nice distraction from phone calls and decision making. These were also the days of separate apartments. Neal would come over (my tv was larger) and we'd settle into my brown couch and crank up the volume. My old apartment lacked air conditioning, so the windows were open. And the noises of Clark Street tended to assault us as we watched tv.

HBO makes great series. But it is a cruel company. Not only do they have only one season per year. The seasons have only 12 episodes each. And the DVD is released a year after it originally airs. So we are forced to wait, wait and wait some more. All the while trying not to hear about spoilers that will damage our viewing.

On June 3rd we received True Blood Season 3. The wait was over! Four days later we had watched nine episodes.  

Neal: How did that happen? Me: We wanted to find out what happened.

This weekend we knocked out two more. So we're down to the season 3 finale. True Blood, I love you. Truly I do. But why do your seasons have to be so short and come only once a year? I guess it's like Christmas. Was the Sopranos like this?


  1. I have yet to catch up on last season....and I don't have HBO.

  2. Too bad we don't live closer, Nicole. I'd let you borrow all 3 seasons. Keeps getting better and better!

  3. now i really can't wait to see season 3. have you read the books? i have not.

  4. I haven't read the books either. My sister has and she said they're a little silly/cheesy, but good. Oh man, season 3 is great! I liked it better than 2, but I don't want to tell you why in case you haven't seen 2.

  5. My Mom LOVES this show! Alas, we don't have HBO either, so I've never watched. Hope the season finale was fun!

  6. Julie, Mama Bourbeau has good taste! ;) The season finale was great! And definitely left me excited for the next season!

  7. I've seen the first two seasons. The third season will be available on Netflix this summer.

  8. Excellent! You're going to love it! I really didn't like Maryann from season 2.


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