Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I thought it was supposed to be Spring

 In honor of Memorial Day & Spring

Who gets a cold in May? Oh wait, I do. And apparently my old roommate. Can we possibly still be sharing things after seven years? Room, what are you thoughts?

I am pretty much the worst at being sick. I whine about how awful I feel. And repeatedly ask Neal why this is happening to me. He is endlessly patient and wonderful. Always asking what he can get for me and telling me that I'll get better. He also suggests that I call my mom because she will undoubtedly be sympathetic. I did call her. She was.

Fortunately for the rest of the world that are neither my husband nor my mom, I keep my pathetic-ness (yes, I made that a word) to myself. Well, to myself, Neal, my mom and now all of you. So I guess not to myself at all. But I'm not moaning and groaning to every stranger I see on the street. So that's something, I guess.

In the midst of asking Neal why this is happening to me, I usually start asking him how I got sick in the first place. Because obviously he knows the answer. Inevitably, it sparks a conversation that I think we've had at least 30 times. It goes like this.

Me: How did I get sick?
Neal: Everybody gets sick sometimes.
Me: I guess so. What do you think I have?
Neal: Well, I think it's a cold. Or...maybe it's allergies.
Me: No, I don't have allergies. I've never had allergies.
Neal: Okay, but your body chemistry changes every seven years, so maybe you've developed them.
Me: That's ridiculous. I don't have allergies.
Neal: You're the one who told me that a person's body chemistry changes every few years.
Me: I know. Still, I don't have allergies. I've never had them. Could allergies make me feel this bad?
Neal: Yes.
Me: I don't think so.
Neal: Okay. (shakes head)

End scene.

I'm never a fan of being sick. Just ask Neal. But especially in May. It was 80 on Sunday and 90 on Monday. And I spent both days inside. Granted I did watch a lot of the French Open and episodes of Law & Order: SVU - tell me, is there a better show? I also worked hard developing my 30-year smoker cough. Trust me, it sounds authentic.

Here's hoping no one else gets a spring - or even worse, summer - cold.


  1. Ha! I told my Mom last week that she gave me her cold by chatting on the phone, so I totally think we could have shared germs between Chicago and NYC.

    Hope you're feeling better soon! If we do in fact have the same cold, I can tell you that after day four, things get much better :)

  2. Lol, are you going to get an allergy test?
    Did you see Christopher Meloni is not coming back to SVU?

  3. Julie - I read you post last week about you having a cold and thought, ugh, that would be awful. I think that's how I caught it. Day four for me was yesterday; I definitely think I'm on the up & up.
    Nicole - NOT going to get an allergy test. ;-) I DID see Christopher Meloni is not returning to SVU. A part of me died.


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