Tuesday, May 24, 2011

5 Stars


I was chatting to a friend the other week about fun clothes shopping websites. I told her about my slight obsession with ModCloth (read: I restrain myself from going there weeks at a time so I won't buy anything). And she introduced me to EmersonMade. But online shopping is a tricky thing. Mainly because you can't try anything on. I've ordered a dress from my beloved ModCloth that I sadly had to return because it didn't fit.

But the greatest thing about online shopping: the reviews. People get really excited, use too many exclamation points and really rip into an item if they hate it. I think it's the anonymity; they feel like they can say anything. Another thing I love? When reviewers state a problem they have with an item, but state they're keeping it anyway.  Umm, what?

In truth I have become recently enthralled with online shopping. It's so easy. Why didn't I jump on this bandwagon sooner? It usually seems like a much better alternative than spending hours getting to and from the store(s) and trying things on. Which by the way, is an exhausting process. But I would miss some things about in-person shopping if I gave it up cold turkey. The instant gratification of having the item in your hand. The smell of clothes in the store. (Weird? Sure. Probably just me? Absolutely.) The occasional helpful, but not too pushy sales associate; gems that are hard to find. Not paying for shipping.

Also, how great is it to online 'window' shop? Well, I don't know about 'great', but it is a good way to waste some time. Looking at all the items you would love to have in your closet but you can't justify buying. Oh to dream.

What are some of your favorite online shopping sites? Please send them to me so I can lust over clothes I probably can't buy.


  1. I love browsing Etsy. There are some particularly nice, unique pieces of handmade jewelry on there. I have an online friend who loves ModCloth, but I haven't checked it out much. Maybe I should, you always have the cutest dresses!

  2. Megan, Etsy is really great. But usually I get overwhelmed because there is so much. Be careful with ModCloth; it's dangerous!

  3. I am an excellent online browser, but have so much trouble pulling the trigger! I just like to see things in person before buying. Returning online seems like such a hassle (even though I know it's probably not that bad).

  4. Julie, nothing beats seeing it in person. It's usually not too much of a hassle to return things; most offer free returns. But you will lose out on the cost of shipping to you. You don't get that back. And that is hard to part with.


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