Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Extemporaneous Date Night

I finally get to see Bridesmaids tonight! I've heard great things about it for weeks. And I'm even a bridesmaid in one of my best friend's wedding next month, so it seems fitting. Plus, my brother even this about it after seeing it:

"Just saw Bridesmaids. Funniest movie you never saw, unless of course you have seen it. Then it's just the funniest movie you never saw with me. Unless you're my wife, then none of this applies to you, except the part about seeing the movie, because you were there." -J.W. Porter
Wouldn't you want to see it after reading that?!  
Today I'm in the mood to have a good laugh. So Neal & I set up an impromptu date night. We're going to grab a quick bite and then head to the theatre. I love weekday dates! They feel so luxurious. And definitely make the work-week go by faster. Tell me about some of the best weekday dates you've had.


  1. Did you like it?! I thought it was so funny!

  2. It was funny! And had a more serious story line in it that I didn't expect. I loved the ending of them singing to Wilson Phillips.


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