Friday, April 1, 2011

I know you!

My good friend from college, Courtney, got married last fall in the beautiful Atrium at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. It's a gorgeous room with a creek running through it! And it makes it feel like you're outside, only it's not as cold. While their wedding day, November 20th, was unseasonably warm, it is a wonderful location for an "off-season" wedding with instant decoration: the scenery all around you.

Courtney's favorite color is orange, so she had it sprinkled throughout the day: flowers, programs, the cake and even shoes. She & her bridesmaids wore matching orange converse kicks at the reception!

(Photo courtesy of Jill Harper)

And now all of the little details of the wedding are being celebrated by The K.i.s.s. Wedding Blog. The blog's creator, Susanna Miles, wrote a lovely article about Courtney and her husband, Brad's, wedding. Highlighted in the article: how all the details worked so nicely together. She mentions one of the most important details, that it was such a laid back wedding. That is the epitome of Courtney. If Susanna didn't attend the wedding (I really can't be sure; I don't know all of Courtney & Brad's family/friends), she did a wonderful job describing the best parts of the day.

You can read the fabulous article here. My good friend, Jill, is the beaming bridesmaid and those homemade cookies were delicious. I'd like to get some more!

Now that they are famous, I hope I'm invited to all the fancy parties they will be going to.

PS I'm secretly jealous that my wedding didn't get a write-up like this. 


  1. Love those orange kicks!!!!! Botanical gardens are perfect for a, lush, and warm no matter the temps outside :)

  2. Aren't the kicks great? It was such a fun touch! The venue was gorgeous. Absolutely perfect for this day. It was so sunny!


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