Friday, January 22, 2010

Kind of Feel Bad for the Guy

It's gotten to the point where I have to comment on the NBC/Conan/Leno thing. Listen, I am not a Conan O'Brien fan. I think his characters are weird. And he makes way too many jokes about his hair and his paleness. Yes you are pale and yes your hair is weird, get over it.

However, he certainly seems to have been screwed over by NBC. Sure, he's getting something like 33 million dollars (his staff is reportedly getting 12 million in severance), but he wanted to host the Tonight Show. He wanted to continue the legacy of Johnny Carson and make a name for himself in history.

All the details seem to be a bit fuzzy. Conan's ratings weren't stellar. Leno's new show wasn't doing very well. (They are related how, NBC?) A time slot change to the Tonight Show was suggested. No, that's a breech of contract. Okay, here's an insanely huge amount of money. Oh yeah, and make it last until September, because you can't host again until then.

What gives, NBC? Is it really worth it to pay 45 million dollars rather than keep Conan and the current time slot? And where are they getting all that money anyway? Doesn't NBC have the lowest ratings among all the networks? And why is everyone blaming Leno? He's not an NBC executive. And when was the last time someone said, "No thanks" to a highly lucrative and really fun job? So congrats, NBC. You've now paid over 100 million dollars to/for Conan for 7 months (50 mil for the new studio, his salary & now the settlement).

So on this last night of The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien, I say to you, Conan, have fun and farewell. And thank goodness NBC now owns all of your characters. Don't make up stupid new ones in your next venture.

* This image is from Chicago Now's web site


  1. I resent the fact that you think he made too many jokes about his paleness and his hair since those same two topics make up about 50% of my own jokes, along with my inability to get a woman interested and my unhuman skinniness.

  2. I never said I didn't enjoy your hair and paleness jokes. He just made WAY too many of them.


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